MailChimp Email Verification

Make your email list stronger by integrating mailfloss with MailChimp.

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mailfloss Features

The MailChimp integration with mailfloss includes the following features:


What is great about Instafloss is that it cleans and verifies new email lists in real-time.

Decay Protection

This feature automatically cleans the whole email list, keeping it valid and accurate. With mailfloss, you can choose the frequency for bulk list cleaning according to your preference.

Typo Fixer

Typo fixer is a unique feature that automatically fixes email address typos. This ensures that you not only retain all subscribers but also enhance your overall revenue.


With the help of auto-actions, it’s possible to automatically unsubscribe, delete, or update custom fields.


Your email list keeps growing with each new subscriber, and the Autofloss feature cleans new email addresses, making your list healthier and up-to-date.

Custom aggressiveness settings

You have a chance to choose how strongly you want to clean your email list. Normal is usually the recommended option, but you can also select aggressive or custom options.

mailfloss fixes typos automatically
mailfloss dashboard

Custom frequency options

Choose your preferred email list cleaning frequency, whether real-time, daily, or monthly, as part of Instafloss, Autofloss, and Decay Protection.

More advanced features

You can make the email cleaning process even better with the more advanced features that mailfloss includes. Blacklist or whitelist addresses, customize filtering and clean specific lists in bulk. Webhooks are another important feature that quickly informs other apps about important things happening inside mailfloss.

Benefits of Integrating MailChimp with mailfloss

Here’s why you should integrate mailfloss with MailChimp:

Improves email deliverability rate

Thanks to mailfloss’ email verification, you can successfully reach real email leads. Having an accurate email list leads to an improved delivery rate, which means that your messages are more likely to land directly in your target audience’s inbox instead of being lost in spam folders or bounced back.

Better sender reputation

Regularly cleaning your email list is key to improving your sender reputation, as it signals to email service providers that you are a credible and trustworthy sender.

Allows you to save valuable time

Cleaning and managing an email list manually can take a lot of time and lead to errors. Luckily, mailfloss automates this process, saving you time and allowing you to focus on more important tasks.

It saves your budget as well

MailChimp’s pricing can vary depending on the number of contacts in your audience.

By using mailfloss, you can decrease the count of contacts you’re billed for, leading to reduced expenses overall.

Increased revenue from lost subscribers

The typo fixer feature automatically checks for misspellings of popular email services and fixes them, leading to boosted revenue from lost subscribers.

Improved engagement

Thanks to integrating mailfloss with MailChimp, you get a chance to boost the engagement of your email leads, ensuring the effectiveness of your email campaigns.

Cleans email lists automatically

When you connect mailfloss with MailChimp, you automate the email list cleaning process, making it quicker and more effective.

Connect mailfloss with MailChimp

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Here’s what happens when people start using mailfloss