Klaviyo Email Verification

Integrate Klaviyo with mailfloss to have clean and valid email lists to improve sender reputation.

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mailfloss Features

What features does the mailfloss Klaviyo integration offer?


Cleans and verifies your subscribers in real-time by using Instafloss to prevent email bounces immediately.

Decay Protection

Bulk cleans your entire list every month or on a custom schedule through decay protection that ensures lower bounce rates.

Typo Fixer

Fixes any typos, which not only helps you avoid losing any subscribers but also increases sales by recovering them.


Automatically unsubscribes and/or updates custom fields and provides you with the option to manually review the results if you don’t want to fully rely on auto-actions.


Autofloss allows you to cleanse your new subscribers from the previous day on a daily basis.

Custom aggressiveness

With mailfloss, you can also choose and customize the aggressiveness settings when cleaning your email lists.

mailfloss fixes typos automatically
mailfloss dashboard

Custom frequency

You are free to choose the frequency of email list cleaning – be it real-time, daily or monthly, based on your needs.

More advanced features

Take advantage of mailfloss’ advanced features, including blacklisting and whitelisting options, bulk cleaning of individual lists, segmenting certain categories for auto-actions as well as using webhooks to send updated information to other apps immediately every time something important is happening within mailfloss.

Benefits of Integrating Klaviyo with mailfloss

Klaviyo integration with mailfloss comes with several benefits:

Higher Email Deliverability Rates

Use mailfloss’ verification to reach actual inboxes and increase open rates and ROI. It is less likely your emails will bounce and end up in spam folders if you remove invalid email addresses.

Doing this will also increase your return on investment by ensuring that your message reaches actual prospects who are interested in your services.

Better Sender Reputation

By having clean and valid contacts, you ensure that your emails end up in real inboxes, not spam folders. This builds a positive sender reputation with email providers, guaranteeing even higher open rates and ROI.

With a good sender reputation, your emails are more likely to be seen by your target audience, leading to better overall campaign performance.

Saved Time

Manually cleaning email lists and verifying them takes a lot of time and effort. It’s also error-prone. However, by using this integration, you can automate the whole process and spend your time on more important tasks.

It’s Cost-Effective

Klaviyo’s pricing is determined by the number of contacts in your lists.

By using mailfloss to clean up invalid emails from your lists, you can avoid unnecessary expenses by decreasing the total count of contacts you’re billed for and ensuring the ones you are billed for are valid.

Recovered Income From Lost Subscribers

This integration allows you to instantly fix any typos in your email lists. Typos are often unavoidable, but mailfloss allows you to easily identify them and ensure that your emails reach the right people and recover any lost subscribers.

Higher Engagement Rates

Ensuring you have clean email lists with mailfloss leads to more engagement. When you’re sending emails to valid addresses, you’re more likely to reach interested recipients who will engage with your content.

Automated Email Verification Processes

Real-time automated verification with mailfloss helps you eliminate bounces before they even happen.

Fewer bounces mean your emails are reaching the inboxes you intended, translating into more opens and clicks for better marketing performance.

Ready to Integrate Klaviyo with mailfloss?

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Connect Klaviyo with mailfloss in a few simple clicks

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Select your preferences and let mailfloss handle the rest

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And that’s all!
mailfloss will handle the rest

mailfloss does the rest

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Here’s what happens when people start using mailfloss