GetResponse Email Verification

Build a strong and clean email list by integrating mailfloss with GetResponse.

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mailfloss Features

Find out the features included in the GetResponse integration via mailfloss:


Optimize your email list’s health and maximize your email marketing campaign’s success through real-time cleaning and verification with Instafloss.

Decay Protection

Minimize bounce rates across your entire list with automated bulk cleaning. Decay Protection is available in monthly or custom schedules.

Typo Fixer

Typo fixer automatically corrects typos in email addresses. Thanks to this unique feature, you retain all your subscribers and improve your overall revenue.


Thanks to auto-actions, you can easily update, remove, and unsubscribe custom fields.


Autofloss runs daily and cleans new subscribers from the previous day, keeping your email lists fresh and accurate.

Custom aggressiveness settings

You can decide how intensely you want to clean your contact list— standard, aggressive, or custom—based on your business needs.

mailfloss fixes typos automatically
mailfloss dashboard

Custom frequency options

Follow a contact list cleaning schedule that best fits your email list maintenance needs—try daily cleaning with Autofloss, monthly cleaning with Decay Protection, or real-time cleaning with Instafloss.

More advanced features

Enhance your email list cleaning process with mailfloss’ advanced features. You can blacklist or whitelist addresses, customize filtering, and bulk-clean specific lists. Also, there are webhooks, which provide real-time updates to other apps about important activities happening within mailfloss.

Benefits of Integrating GetResponse with mailfloss

Increased Email Deliverability

Integrating GetReposnse with mailfloss will boost email deliverability and ensure that your emails successfully reach your leads’ inboxes.

Enhanced inbox reputation

Cleaning your email list on a regular basis is essential for improving your sender reputation. It signals to email service providers that you are a trustworthy sender.

Saved time

Manual email list cleaning is extremely time-consuming and prone to errors. Luckily, mailfloss automates this process, saving you time for strategic business tasks.

It’s budget-friendly

GetResponse charges users based on the number of email contacts, but mailfloss cuts these costs by removing invalid email addresses and reducing the number of contacts you should pay for.

Recovered revenue from lost subscribers

Our Typo Fixer corrects misspelled email addresses, so you won’t need to worry about losing subscribers anymore. Your emails will reach the right people, resulting in boosted revenue.

Improved audience engagement

Thanks to mailfloss, your emails don’t end up in spam folders, resulting in improved engagement, as they are delivered directly to your audience’s inboxes where they’re more likely to be seen and acted upon.

Automated email list cleaning

mailfloss streamlines your email list cleaning process by automatically scanning and removing invalid and incorrect addresses.

Integrate mailfloss with GetResponse

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Leave the rest to mailfloss

mailfloss does the rest

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Here’s what happens when people start using mailfloss