Brevo Email Verification

Integrate Brevo with mailfloss to maintain clean and valid email lists.

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mailfloss Features

Let’s find out what features the Brevo integration with mailfloss comes with.


Email bounces can be immediately avoided with Instafloss, as it allows real-time scanning and flossing of new subscribers.

Decay Protection

Decay prevention automatically cleans the entire list in bulk once a month or according to a specific custom schedule.

Typo Fixer

Fix common email address typos, eventually resulting in increased income by preventing the loss of subscribers.


Updating, removing, and unsubscribing from custom fields automatically, while also providing the option to do it manually and review the results by hand.


You can maintain your email lists up-to-date, clean, and valid by using Autofloss on a daily basis to remove new subscribers from the previous day.

Select the aggressiveness

You have three cleaning options for your email lists: aggressive, normal, or custom.

mailfloss fixes typos automatically
mailfloss dashboard

Select the frequency

Select how often you want your email lists to be cleaned. Use Autofloss for daily cleaning, Decay Protection for monthly, or Instafloss for real-time cleaning.

Advanced features

Take advantage of blacklisting and whitelisting options, automatically removing specific categories for an auto-action, and use Webhooks to quickly inform other apps when something important occurs inside mailfloss.

Benefits of Integrating Brevo with mailfloss

Let’s go through all the reasons why you should integrate Brevo with mailfloss:

Improved Email Deliverability

By connecting mailfloss with Brevo, you can eliminate invalid email addresses, reducing the possibility of your emails bouncing and ending up in spam folders.

Enhanced Sender Reputation

Your emails will reach actual inboxes with mailfloss, which keeps your connections updated and clean, leading to a strong reputation with email service providers.


Cleaning email lists manually is time-consuming. With mailfloss, you can automate the whole process, freeing up your time to focus on tasks that can’t be automated and need a human touch.

Reduced Expenses

You can stop paying for invalid contacts and bounces by permanently removing them from your list. When emails bounce, you lose money, and it could damage your sender reputation.

By removing invalid contacts from your email lists, mailfloss helps you save money and improves email deliverability in general.

Lost Subscribers Restored

Even small misspellings can lead to lost subscribers. This issue is solved with mailfloss since it fixes typos to ensure your emails reach the right audience, helping you win back lost subscribers and potential revenue.

Higher Engagement Rates

Thanks to mailfloss, your emails will land in the intended inboxes, leading to increased engagement. A higher open rate is a sign that your email marketing efforts are paying off.

Automated Verification of Emails

The Brevo integration with mailfloss allows you to automatically detect and eliminate fake or invalid email addresses from your email lists, resulting in enhanced deliverability and reduced bounce rates.

Curious about how to Integrate Brevo with mailfloss?

Start Your Free Trial

Connect mailfloss with Brevo in a few simple steps

Connect your ESP

Personalize the preferences

Set your preferences

And you’re done,
let mailfloss do the rest!

mailfloss does the rest

Get started in 60 seconds

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Here’s what happens when people start using mailfloss